AbsTex is a program designed to calculate the absorptive properties of a free hanging textile. It may be used with Sabine/Eyring calculations or with ray-tracing and image source programs such as B&K Odeon and CATT-Acoustic.
Free hanging textiles are often used in multipurpose halls. To predict the effect of such banners, the absorptive properties of the textile need to be decided. Measurements in reverberation chamber is one option. But these measurements require many measurements and alot of time and the measured absorption is size-dependent becaus of diffraction around the edges.
Introducing AbsTex. Based on a few easy measurable parameters (compared to reverberation chamber measurements), such as airflow resistivity, thickness and weight, the program calculates the dissipation, absorption, transmission and reflection coefficients for the textile. It may also estimate the edge-effect.
The results may be exported to a textfile, MS Excel, MS Word (as an autogenerated report) and a image file.
You can read more about AbsTex and how it works by clicking here (1.1 MB PDF). AbsTex is based on theory developed by Magnus Ognedal, Roald Kluge and Anders Buen.
AbsTex Screenshots
Choices of copy data to memory
Parameters for estimating the edge effect
Download AbsTex
This program is released as “free of charge” (which is not the same as “free”). You may download and use the program without limitations. You may not, however, sell or alter this program in any way, shape or form without permission.
Click here to start the download (650 kB). In order to unlock the extra features in the program, you need to register .
The following restrictions will apply until you register (which you can below):
– The program will use 30 seconds to start
– Exporting is disabled
– Copying results to memory is disabled
– Accurate values are not shown in plot
System requirements:
AbsTex fill run on any computer running Windows 98, ME, 200, NT or XP as long as the .NET Framework 1.1 is installed. Windows 95 is not supported.
Register here:
[contact-form 1 “Register Abstex”]
I would like to get a registry code to use ABSTEX
The register link for ABSTEX appears broken. Would it be possible to forward a registry code to my email address? Thank you.
Register link seems to have disappeared!
Please, I will make registration
Hi the register form is broken. I would LOVE to try this software.
Many thanks